Photo Tours Gallery

Japan in Autumn

Oct | Nov

Japan In Winter

Jan | Feb

Japan In Spring

March | April

The Philippines


Southern Spain

May | September

Northern Spain

May | September

Faroe Isands

June | August

Uluru - Alice

June | July


May | Aug | Jan

Customers Gallery

Australia | The Philippines | Japan | Spain | Faroe Islands

Australian Cities

Syd | Mel | Bne | Adl | Per

New Zealand


Micro Adventures

June | July | August

Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.
— Oscar Wilde

Photography Tours, Courses & Workshops

Not sure where you want to go? Have a look at some stunning images to find inspiration.

If you are after a quick day course please choose a city. Even Smartphone Photography courses are available (Android/IPhone)

The day and night city photo walks are for those who need to learn how to shoot in manual modes on their camera and master composition.

If you need to escape for a 3 day landscape photography workshop, choose a micro adventure.

If you would rather go away on a 7 or 10 day photo tour, click here.

Need to buy a friend a gift card to choose a course suitable for them?